f Displays — Ben`s HobbyCorner

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Simple character displays 16x2 or 20x4, but also graphic displays with controller.


What’s new and when was the last update of this page?

November 25 2014:

Added Colorpicker

Added WordClock



800 x 480 pixels, 7 inch, WizFi210 wireless module, GPS-module, 2 x RS232, DHT11 temp./hum., RTC DS1338


With Alvidi Atxmega128A1 module


Back of the board


Happy clown


TV-test image

'Copyright Michael Koecher aka six1 8/2010
'-> https://www.six1.net/   michael@koecher-web.de
'Original nur von https://bascom-forum.de
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'auf Treiber IC SSD1963 geandert 26.11.2011
'10.09.2012 angepast fur Display Typ AT070TN90

$regfile = "xm128a1def.dat"
$hwstack = 200
$swstack = 200
$framesize = 500
$crystal = 32000000

Config Osc = Enabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled
Config Sysclock = 32mhz                                     '--> 32MHz

Config Osc = Disabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled
Osc_pllctrl = &B10_0_00100
Loop Until Osc_status.1 = 1                               'Check if RC2MRDY is ready                            '
'enable PLL
Set Osc_ctrl.4                                            'PLL enable
'configure the systemclock
Config Sysclock = Pll , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1  'use PLL

Stop Watchdog
'Touch Interrupt
Const Use_touch = 1                                         'use Touch = 1
#if Use_touch = 1
        Config Pinf.0 = Input                                    'Set PINF.4 as Input
        'Because of the activated Pullup the PIN Level is high and there is a falling edge when switch is pressed
        Config Xpin = Portf.0 , Outpull = Pullup , Sense = Falling       'enable Pull up and reaction on falling edge

        Portf_int0mask = &B0000_0001                             'include PIN0 in INT0 Mask
        Portf_intctrl = &B0000_00_01
        'Low Level INT0 Interrupt

        Dim Touch_flag As Bit
        Touch_flag = 0
        On Portf_int0 Touch_int
        Enable Portf_int0 , Lo
Config Priority = Static , Vector = Application , Lo = Enabled , Med = Enabled

Config Com5 = 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8
Open "COM5:" For Binary As #1

Print #1 , "Graphic 800x480"
$include "SSD1963_declarations.inc"
$include "SSD1963__sd-card_declarations.inc"
Call Sdcard_initialize()
'use for Demo
Dim Farbe As Word, Countx As Word, Xx1 As Word, Xx2 As Word, Yy1 As Word, Yy2 As Word, Penwidth As Byte, Box_fill As Byte, Show_border As Byte, Radius As Word
Dim Help_str As String * 10

'Start SSD1963
Call Ssd1963_init()

Enable Interrupts

'*** MAIN **********************************************************************
        Call Lcd_clear(blue)
        Call Lcd_text( "Clear area" , 230 , 20 , 1 , Yellow , Blue)

        Call Lcd_clear_area(100 , 100 , 200 , 200 , White)
        Wait 2
        Call Lcd_clear_area(1 , 1 , 200 , 200 , White)
        Wait 2
        Call Lcd_clear(red)
        Call Lcd_text( "BMP 800x480 hallo world" , 100 , 224 , 1 , Gold , Black)
        Call Lcd_text( "BMP 800x480 hallo world" , 20 , 20 , 2 , Yellow , Red)
        Wait 1

        Call Lcd_clear(black)
        Call Lcd_draw_bmp( "frau5.bmp" , 200 , 0)               '24Bit
        Wait 1
        Call Lcd_clear(red)
        Call Lcd_draw_bmp( "tieger5.bmp" , 1 , 0)               '24Bit
        Call Lcd_text_trans( "24Bit Bmp" , 310 , 100 , 1 , Red , Transparent)
        Wait 1
        Call Lcd_clear(red)
        Call Lcd_draw_bmp( "tieg8bit.bmp" , 0 , 0)              '8Bit
        Call Lcd_text_trans( "8Bit Bmp" , 310 , 100 , 1 , Red , Transparent)
        Wait 1
        Call Lcd_draw_bmp( "frau5.bmp" , 200 , 0)               '24Bit
        Wait 1

        Call Lcd_draw_bmp( "pic18bit.bmp" , 0 , 0)              '8Bit
        Call Lcd_text_trans( "8Bit Bmp" , 310 , 100 , 1 , Red , Transparent)
        Wait 1
        Call Lcd_clear(red)
        Call Lcd_draw_bmp( "pic28bit.bmp" , 0 , 0)              '8Bit
        Call Lcd_text_trans( "8Bit Bmp" , 310 , 100 , 1 , Red , Transparent)

        Wait 3
        Call Lcd_negate(0)
        Call Lcd_text_trans( "negate" , 310 , 200 , 1 , Red , Transparent)
        Wait 3
        Call Lcd_negate(1)

        Wait 3
        Call Lcd_clear(red)
        Call Lcd_draw_bmp( "test8bit.bmp" , 0 , 0)              '8Bit
        Wait 1

        Call Lcd_clear(blue)

        #if Use_touch = 1
                Call Lcd_box(700 , 420 , 790 , 470 , Red , White , 1 , 1)
                Call Lcd_box(100 , 100 , 105 , 105 , Red , White , 1 , 1)
                Call Lcd_text( "Touch me" , 390 , 10 , 2 , Yellow , Black)
                Call Lcd_text( "next" , 720 , 435 , 2 , Yellow , Red)
                        If Touch_flag = 1 Then

                                Touchx = 0
                                Touchy = 0
                                Call Lcd_read_touch()

                                Select Case Touchx
                                        Case 570 To 630 :
                                                If Touchy > 5 And Touchy < 65 Then
                                                        Ende = 1
                                                End If
                                End Select

                                If Ende = 1 Then
                                        Ende = 0
                                        Exit Do
                                End If
                                Touch_flag = 0
                        End If


        Call Lcd_clear(black)

        Call Lcd_text( "LINE" , 390 , 10 , 2 , Yellow , Black)
        For Countx = 1 To 100
                Farbe = Rnd(10)
                Xx1 = Rnd(740)
                Xx2 = Rnd(740)
                Yy1 = 90 + Rnd(300)
                Yy2 = 90 + Rnd(300)
                Penwidth = Rnd(4)
                Penwidth = Rnd(4)
                Call Lcd_line(xx1 , Yy1 , Xx2 , Yy2 , Penwidth , Color_array(farbe))

        Wait 2
        Call Lcd_clear(black)

        Call Lcd_text( "BOX FILL" , 390 , 10 , 2 , Yellow , Black)

        For Countx = 1 To 100
                Xx1 = Rnd(740)
                Xx2 = Rnd(740)
                Yy1 = 90 + Rnd(300)
                Yy2 = 90 + Rnd(300)
                Farbe = Rnd(10)
                Box_fill = Rnd(100)
                If Box_fill < 50 Then Box_fill = 0
                Show_border = Rnd(100)
                If Show_border < 70 Then Show_border = 0
                Call Lcd_box(xx1 , Yy1 , Xx2 , Yy2 , Color_array(farbe) , White , Box_fill , 1)
        Wait 2
        Call Lcd_clear(black)

        Call Lcd_text( "BOX" , 390 , 10 , 2 , Yellow , Black)

        For Countx = 1 To 100
                Xx1 = Rnd(740)
                Xx2 = Rnd(740)
                Yy1 = 90 + Rnd(300)
                Yy2 = 90 + Rnd(300)
                Farbe = Rnd(10)
                Call Lcd_box(xx1 , Yy1 , Xx2 , Yy2 , White , Color_array(farbe) , 0 , 1)
        Wait 2

        Call Lcd_clear(black)
        Call Lcd_text( "Circle" , 370 , 10 , 2 , Yellow , Black)
        For Countx = 1 To 100
                Xx1 = 40 + Rnd(640)
                Yy1 = 20 + Rnd(400)
                Radius = Rnd(50)
                Farbe = Rnd(10)
                Call Lcd_drawcircle(xx1 , Yy1 , Radius , 100 , 2 , Color_array(farbe))
        Wait 2
        Call Lcd_clear(black)
        Call Lcd_text( "Circle Fill" , 370 , 10 , 2 , Yellow , Black)
        For Countx = 1 To 100
                Xx1 = 50 + Rnd(540)
                Yy1 = 80 + Rnd(300)
                Radius = Rnd(50)
                Farbe = Rnd(10)
                Call Lcd_fill_circle(xx1 , Yy1 , Radius , Color_array(farbe))
        Wait 2
        Call Lcd_clear(black)

        Call Lcd_text( "BMP 320x240" , 330 , 10 , 2 , Yellow , Black)
        Call Lcd_draw_bmp( "sylt1.bmp" , 240 , 100)
        Wait 1
        Call Lcd_draw_bmp( "tieger5.bmp" , 0 , 0)

        Call Lcd_setscrollarea(0 , 480 , 0)
        For Countx = 0 To 479
                Call Lcd_scroll(countx)
                Waitms 2
        For Countx = 479 To 0 Step -1
                Call Lcd_scroll(countx)
                Waitms 2

        Wait 2
        Call Lcd_clear(black)

#if Use_touch = 1
        Touch_flag = 1
        '  Print #1 , "Touch"


$include "SSD1963__sd-card_routines.inc"
$include "SSD1963_functions.inc"

$include "Font12x16.font"
$include "font25x32.font"



Arduino Mega, ITDB02 display shield, ILI9325 display 2.4 inch 320 x 240 pixels



Arduino Mega, ITDB02 display shield, ILI9325 display 2.4 inch 320 x 240 pixels



Colorpicker for ILI9325 display


Colorpicker written in Visual Basic 6.0

16x2 LCD I2c with adapted Bascom-AVR library


Small module sold on the Internet


On the back of a 4 x 20 display


On a breadboard, Arduino Nano, with I2c-module, with 16x2 LCD display

'I2c LCD on Arduino Nano 16x2 display with backlight

$regfile = "M328pdef.dat"                                   ' the used chip
$crystal = 16000000                                         ' frequency used
$baud = 9600                                                ' baud rate

Declare Sub I2c_scan

Config I2cdelay = 10

$lib "i2c_twi.lib"                                          'hardware i2c/TWI
Config Twi = 100000

$lib "bl_Lcd_i2c.lib"                                       ' AN #118 library from Kent
                                                        ' with this addition
                                                        ' * lds r27,{backlight}
                                                        ' andi _temp2,&hf7
                                                        ' or _temp2,r27

'LCD-display including backlight
'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
'1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

'G 5 C R R E D D D D D D D D B B
'N   O S W   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L L
'D V N                         S

'P7 = D7
'P6 = D6
'P5 = D5
'P4 = D4
'P3 = 1 = backlight on / 0 = backlight off
'P2 = E
'P1 = RW
'P0 = RS

Const Pcf_d4 = 4
Const Pcf_d5 = 5
Const Pcf_d6 = 6
Const Pcf_d7 = 7
Const Pcf_rs = 0
Const Pcf_rw = 1
Const Pcf_e1 = 2

Dim B As Byte
Dim A As Byte
Dim _lcd_e As Byte
Dim Backlight As Byte

Backlight_on Alias &H08
Backlight_off Alias &H00

Backlight = Backlight_on

_lcd_e = 128

Const Pcf8574_lcd = &H4E                                    'Defines the address of the I/O expander for LCD

Config Scl = Portc.5                                        'we need to provide the SCL pin name
Config Sda = Portc.4

'Call I2c_scan                                              'if you want to check if the PCF8574 is seen activate this

Wait 2

Lcd "i2c-display"                                           'display this at the top line
Wait 1
Lowerline                                                   'select the lower line
Wait 1
Lcd "Shift this."                                           'display this at the lower line
Wait 1
For A = 1 To 10
   Shiftlcd Right                                           'shift the text to the right
   Waitms 250                                               'wait a moment

For A = 1 To 10
   Shiftlcd Left                                            'shift the text to the left
   Waitms 250                                               'wait a moment

Locate 2 , 1                                                'set cursor position
Lcd "*"                                                     'display this
Wait 1                                                      'wait a moment

Shiftcursor Right                                           'shift the cursor
Lcd "@"                                                     'display this
Wait 1                                                      'wait a moment

Home Upper                                                  'select line 1 and return home
Lcd "Replaced."                                             'replace the text
Wait 1                                                      'wait a moment

Cursor Off Noblink                                          'hide cursor
Wait 1                                                      'wait a moment
Cursor On Blink                                             'show cursor
Wait 1                                                      'wait a moment
Display Off                                                 'turn display off
Wait 1                                                      'wait a moment
Display On                                                  'turn display on

'Now lets build a special character
'the first number is the characternumber (0-7)
'The other numbers are the rowvalues
'Use the LCD tool to insert this line
Deflcdchar 2 , 32 , 10 , 32 , 14 , 17 , 17 , 17 , 14        'replace ? with number (0-7)
Deflcdchar 0 , 32 , 4 , 32 , 14 , 18 , 18 , 18 , 13         'replace ? with number (0-7)
Deflcdchar 1 , 32 , 10 , 32 , 14 , 18 , 18 , 18 , 13        'replace ? with number (0-7)
_lcd_e = 128
Cls                                                         'select data RAM
Rem it is important that a CLS is following the deflcdchar statements because it will set the controller back in datamode
Lcd Chr(0) ; Chr(1)                                         'print the special character

'----------------- Now use an internal routine ------------
_temp1 = 2                                                  'value into ACC
!rCall _write_lcd                                           'put it on LCD



Sub I2c_scan                                                'check all devices on the I2c-bus
Print "Scan start"
For B = 0 To 254 Step 2                                     'for all odd addresses
  I2cstart                                                  'send start
  I2cwbyte B                                                'send address
  If Err = 0 Then                                           'we got an ack
         Print "Slave at : " ; B ; " hex : " ; Hex(b) ; " bin : " ; Bin(b)
  End If
  I2cstop                                                   'free bus
Print "End Scan"
End Sub