Here, my search connecting a WIZ610wi-module to an AVR with Bascom-AVR.

1. The WIZ610wi...


This is the module we are talking about here


Evaluation board with the WIZ610wi


2: My network test-environment


In the test-environment I am using this Longshine wireless Access Point


Here the setup of my access point. Important for the rest is the SSID BensHobbyCorner.

To manage the access point it has it's own IP-addres.

And this information we will also see back in the rest of this page.
Security: WEP 64 bit, ASCII 5 characters and the first key is hobby.


3: The test tools


If you want to follow me get a copy of TeraTerm here:
And also get the TTLEditor from here.

At first we will be using a TeraTerm script to get things running. The default baudrate for a new WIZ610wi is 38400. The default IP-addres to manage the module is

When you make connection to the WIZ610wi through it's serial port and you switch on the EVB you first will see a + and when you wait a while you will see a WIZ610wi prompt. When you type single characters you will get with each typed character a <0> The module expects a line with a command to be send as a single line, not as single characters.

If you get mixed up, remember there is always a way to put the module back in its factory defaults.

This is our first attempt, getting connected with the WIZ610wi module on the EVB-board:


In this script we connect to COM1, on 38400 baud. Then we wait for a + and after that wait for the prompt WIZ610wi.

4: A complete TeraTerm script


Lets continue with a complete script to create a TCP/IP to RS232 gateway



And perhaps nice to know, you can debug the script you are running.
I see SSID BensHobbyCorner, 54 Mbps and RSSI 79.

So, and lets check if it is working

Top screen, a terminal-program connected to my PC and at the bottom
Fred Eady EDTP Electronics Internet Test Panel connected wireless to on port 80.

And to test I have typed something on the topline of the EDTP Test Panel.
It is received on the module and each character is send to the serial port of the WIZ610wi-module.

5: Tips and tricks...


Perhaps a nice trick, if you are not sure what the exact syntax of some commands is.... On the EVB from Wiznet put a network cable in the RJ45 connector. In TeraTerm issue this command:

<WF> for a factory default

<WI192.168.0.235> to give to board a IP-addres in your own segment


In a browser go to the IP-addres to get in the configuration screen (admin/admin)

Configure the Wireless Security Setup

And through the serial cable issue a <DU> command.

are the security settings (WEP, 5-characters, ASCII, use Key1 that is 'hobby')


6: Working with the Arduino Shield

If you are planning to buy the Arduino Shield (check ) for the WIZ610wi and a WIZ610wi module, but don't want to spent money on a evaluation board, here a trick to work with the module.

Put the Shield on a Arduino, but first remove the microcontroller.

After that connect two wires STX - RX and SRX - TX.

If everything is oke, you can connect a USB cable to the Arduino, start Hyperterminal or TeraTerm, 38400 baud, and you will get a + followed by WIZ610wi on your screen. When you type anything nothing happens.

You have to get the WIZ610wi in configuration-mode. On the evaluationboard this is done with the switch HW-Trigger, but on the Arduino shield we have to do it by connecting Arduino connection 12 to 3,3 volts. Like this:

Now you can do everything we did in the TeraTerm example above.


7: Bascom-AVR - first testprogram


Time to get some real programming done. Put the microcontroller back in the Arduino and remove all wires from the shield.

Here, a program made by SIX1, Michael Köcher. A small program to give commands to the WIZ610wi through the Arduino.

To program the microcontroller from within Bascom-AVR you can use AVRDUDE. In this example I have put the AVRDUDE-program with his avrdude.conf file in the directory C:\programmer. If you normally program the Arduino with the Arduino-software you will find AVRDUDE and the Configurationfile on your PC.

Choose as programmer in Bascom-AVR External programmer

Program: C:\programmer\avrdude.exe

Parameters: -v -F -Cc:\programmer\avrdude.conf -p m328p -P com3 -c STK500v1 -b 57600 -Uflash:w:{FILE}:a

Make sure that the USB of the Arduino is connected to COM3, compile the program and put it in the Arduino.

Here some of the results, check the datasheet for the commands



8. Wireless server


This is running from the Arduino Atmega168. Over serial to the WIZ610wi, and wireless to the PC.


9. The Bascom-AVR code
The connection of the WIZ610wi is not done on a real hardware UART of the Atmega168. The FT232RL USB connector is fitted there to program the Arduino from the outside world. So a soft-UART must be used. SIX1 has seen that Olimex used INT0 and INT1 pins for RX and TX between microcontroller and WIZ610wi module so the serial communication between the Arduino and the shield could be done on interrupt base. Very clever!!


' 2011/2 by six1 Michael Köcher
' this software is not free!
' only for private use!

$regfile = "m328pdef.dat"
$crystal = 16000000
$baud = 38400
$hwstack = 50
$swstack = 50
$framesize = 150


Led1 Alias Portb.5
Config Led1 = Output
Aux_led Alias Portd.7
Config Aux_led = Output
Aux_led = 1
Wiz_cfg Alias Portb.4
Config Wiz_cfg = Output
Wiz_power Alias Portd.4
Config Wiz_power = Output

' enable Power and serial communication on WIZ610 Board
'Wiz_power = 1
Wait 1
Wiz_power = 0
Wiz_cfg = 1


'PD.3 = TX
Open "comd.3:38400,8,n,1" For Output As #10
'PD.2 = RX
Open "comd.2:38400,8,n,1" For Input As #11


Config Serialin = Buffered , Size = 60 , Bytematch = 13
Open "com1:" For Binary As #1
Dim Incoming_data As String * 60


Dim Timeout_rx As Word
Dim Rx_ok As Byte
On Int0 Isr_rx Nosave
Config Int0 = Change
Enable Int0
Enable Interrupts


Dim B As Byte
Dim Pos As Byte
Const Max_rx = 100
Dim Incoming_str As String * 150
Dim Incoming(max_rx) As Byte At Incoming_str Overlay
Dim Pagecounter As Word
Pagecounter = 0
Dim Get_filename As String * 20
Dim Ajax As Byte

Dim Ip As String * 19
Dim Mask As String * 19
Dim Gw As String * 19
Dim Dns As String * 19

Dim Server_port As String * 8
Dim Ssid As String * 20
Dim Security_control As String * 30
Dim Auth_mode As String * 1
Dim Encrypt As String * 1
Dim Keylength As String * 1
Dim Keyformat_wep As String * 1
Dim Keyformat_wap As String * 1
Dim Keyvalue As String * 15

'AuthMode: 0(Open or Shared), 1(Open), 2(802.1x), 3(Shared), 4(wpa) , 5(wpa -psk) , 6(wpa2) , 7(wpa2 -psk),
Auth_mode = "0"

'Encrypt: 0(None),1 (WEP), 2(TKIP), 3(AES), 4(TKIP_AES)
Encrypt = "1"

'KeyLength: 0(None), 1(WEP64), 2(WEP128)
Keylength = "1"

'KeyFormat(WEP): 0(Ascii), 1(Hex)
Keyformat_wep = "1"

'KeyFormat(WPA-PSK): 0(Passphrase), 1(Hex)
Keyformat_wap = "0"

'WPA-PSK KeyValue: 8~63byte)
Keyvalue = "hobby"

'IP Setting 0=Static _Ipaddress _Subnet _Gateway _DNS
Ip = "" 'your Server IP

Mask = "" 'your Subnet Mask

Gw = "" 'your Gateway -> this is normaly your Router Address

Dns = "" 'your DNS Server -> normaly your Router Address

'Webserver Port
Server_port = "81"

'SSID to connect to
Ssid = "BensHobbyCorner"

Security_control = "<GU" + Auth_mode + "_" + Encrypt + "_" + Keylength + "_" + Keyformat_wep + "_" + Keyformat_wap + "_" + Keyvalue + ">"

Ssid = "<GS" + Ssid + ">"



Declare Function Wiz610_com(byval Timeoutvalue As Byte , Byval Result As String , Byval Command As String ) As Byte
Declare Sub Wiz610_send_header()


Print #1 , "Arduino WIZ610wi"

' INIT SEQUENCE for connecting as Client to Access point

'wait on WIZ610 response...

'If Wiz610_com(4 , "<Sv" , "<RF>" ) > 0 Then Goto Start_sequence

'If Wiz610_com(10 , "<S>" , "<WF>") > 0 Then Goto Start_sequence

If Wiz610_com(10 , "<Sv" , "<RF>") > 0 Then Goto Factorydefault

If Wiz610_com(10 , "<S>" , "<GC0>" ) > 0 Then Goto Start_sequence

'WIFI Power (0=off - 16)
If Wiz610_com(10 , "<S>" , "<GP10>" ) > 0 Then Goto Start_sequence

'alias name
If Wiz610_com(5 , "<S>" , "<GNBensHobbyCorner>" ) > 0 Then Goto Start_sequence

If Wiz610_com(5 , "<S>" , "<GSBensHobbyCorner>" ) > 0 Then Goto Start_sequence

'Check connected (if we're already connected to ssid, we can jump to activate server!)
If Wiz610_com(10 , "<S1" , "<QP>" ) = 0 Then Goto Already_connected

If Wiz610_com(10 , "<S>" , "<GO3>" ) > 0 Then Goto Start_sequence

If Wiz610_com(50 , "<S>" , "<WD0>" ) > 0 Then Goto Start_sequence

'SET IP Address
Incoming_str = "<WT0_" + Ip + "_" + Mask + "_" + Gw + "_" + Dns + ">"

If Wiz610_com(50 , "<S>" , Incoming_str ) > 0 Then Goto Start_sequence

'connect to SSID
'If Wiz610_com( "<DI>" , "<S" , 30) > 0 Then Goto Start_sequence

If Wiz610_com(5 , "<S>" , Ssid ) > 0 Then Goto Con_ssid

'security parameters
If Wiz610_com(20 , "<S>" , Security_control ) > 0 Then Goto Start_sequence

'set server protokoll to TCP(0) or UDP(1)
If Wiz610_com(2 , "<S>" , "<WK0>" ) > 0 Then Goto Server_protokoll

'set server Port
If Wiz610_com(2 , "<S>" , "<WP" + Server_port + ">" ) > 0 Then Goto Serverport

'char when this char is send to serial, buffer is send to tcpip
If Wiz610_com(2 , "<S>" , "<OCFF>" ) > 0 Then Goto Charbreak

'size when size is reached, data is send to tcpip
If Wiz610_com(2 , "<S>" , "<OS255>" ) > 0 Then Goto Sizebreak

'time when time is reached, data is send to tcpip ; value * 3,8 = value in ms
If Wiz610_com(2 , "<S>" , "<OT2000>" ) > 0 Then Goto Timebreak

'activate Client 0:Client, 1:Mixed, 2:Server

If Wiz610_com(2 , "<S>" , "<WM2>") > 0 Then Goto Activate_client

Aux_led = 0 'show connection on led

Wiz_cfg = 0 'change to Server communication mode (Command Mode off)

' Mainloop

If Mid(incoming_str , 1 , 3) = "GET" Then
     Disable Int0
     Ajax = 0
     Get_filename = Mid(incoming_str , 1 , 20)
     'Send Page Header
     Call Wiz610_send_header()
     If Mid(get_filename , 1 , 6) = "GET / " Then
               Incr Pagecounter
               Restore Index
          Elseif Mid(get_filename , 1 , 14) = "GET /index.htm" Then
               Incr Pagecounter
               Restore Index
          Elseif Mid(get_filename , 1 , 14) = "GET /" Then
               'lets do dynamic content! :-)
               Print #10 , "Counter: " ; Str(pagecounter) ; "{010}";
               Ajax = 1
          Elseif Mid(get_filename , 1 , 11) = "GET /" Then
               Toggle Aux_led
               If Aux_led = 1 Then
                    Print #10 , "<font color=#ff0000><b>LED OFF</b></font>" ;
                    Print #10 , "<font color=#00bb00><b>LED ON</b></font>" ;
               End If
               Ajax = 1
               Restore 404 'Page not found 404 Error
     End If
     If Ajax = 0 Then
               Read Incoming_str
               If Incoming_str = "%END%" Then Exit Do
               If Incoming_str = "%crlf%" Then
                    Print #10 , "{010}{013}";
                    Print #10 , Incoming_str ; "{010}";
               End If
          End If
          Print #10 , " " ;
          Incoming_str = ""
          Enable Int0
     End If


' send Header "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"

Sub Wiz610_send_header()
Restore 200
     Read Incoming_str
     If Incoming_str = "%END%" Then Exit Do
     If Incoming_str = "%crlf%" Then
               Print #10 , "{010}{013}";
Print #10 , Incoming_str ; "{010}";
     End If
End Sub


' send USB RX to WIZ

' send command from USB to WIZ610
Input Incoming_data Noecho
Print #10 , Incoming_data


' Wiz610_com send command and wait for result
' if result = "" then function waits on timeout and gives back OK!

Function Wiz610_com(byval Timeoutvalue As Byte , Byval Result As String , Byval Command1 As String ) As Byte
Local Timeout_wiz610_com As Word
Local B_b As Byte
Timeout_wiz610_com = 0
' send Command to WIZ
Rx_ok = 0
Incoming_str = ""
Print #1 , Command;
Print #1 , ": ";
If Result = "" Then Print #1 , " "
Print #10 , Command
'wait on result
     Incr Timeout_wiz610_com
     Waitms 1000
Loop Until Timeout_wiz610_com = Timeoutvalue Or Rx_ok = 1

If Incoming_str <> "" And Result <> "" Then
     B_b = Instr(incoming_str , Result)
     If B_b > 0 Then
                 Wiz610_com = 0 'got result, OK
              'Print #1 , "ok"

              Wiz610_com = 1 'got wrong result, ERROR
               'Print #1 , "wrong "; incoming_str
     End If
     If Result = "" Then
          Wiz610_com = 0 'got result, OK
          Wiz610_com = &HFF 'Timeout ERROR
          Print #1 , "Timeout"
     End If
End If
End Function


' RX from WIZ on SoftSer

Disable Int0
Timeout_rx = 0
Incoming_str = ""
Pos = 1
     B = Inkey(#11)
     If B > 0 Then
          If Pos < 120 Then
               Incoming(pos) = B
               Incr Pos
          End If
           Timeout_rx = 0

          Incr Timeout_rx
     End If
Loop Until Timeout_rx = &H1FFF

'set string end position!
Incoming(pos) = 0
Print #1 , Incoming_str
Print #1 , "-"
Rx_ok = 1

'clear INT0 Int Flag, because int can be flaged in meantime!
Eifr.intf0 = 1
Enable Int0


Data "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
Data "Server: WIZ610wi"
Data "Content-Type: text/html"
Data "%crlf%"
Data "%crlf%"
Data "%END%"

Data "<html>"
Data "<meta http-equiv={034}Content-Language{034} content={034}en-us<meta http-equiv={034}Content-Language{034} content={034}en-us"
Data "<head>"
Data "<meta http-equiv={034}Content-Language{034} content={034}en-us{034}>"
Data "<meta http-equiv={034}Content-Type{034} content={034}text/html; charset=windows-1252{034}>"
Data "<meta name={034}DESCRIPTION{034} content={034}ARDUINO WIZ610wi SHIELD{034}>"
Data "<title>ARDUINO WIZ610 SHIELD</title>"
Data "</head>"
Data "<script type={034}text/javascript{034}>"
Data ""
Data " XMLHttp=function(url,dst){"
Data " var browser=navigator.appName;"
Data " var script;"
Data " if(browser=={034}Microsoft Internet Explorer{034})"
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Data " var http=new ActiveXObject({034}microsoft.xmlhttp{034});"
Data " }"
Data " else"
Data " {"
Data " var http=new XMLHttpRequest();"
Data " }"
Data "{034}get{034},url,true);"
Data " http.onreadystatechange=function()"
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Data ""
Data "<body bgcolor={034}#ACA899{034}>"
Data ""
Data "<center><b><font size={034}7{034} face={034}Arial{034}>ARDUINO WIZ610 SHIELD</font></b></center>"
Data "<div align={034}center{034}>"
Data " <center>"
Data " <table border={034}0{034} cellpadding={034}5{034} cellspacing={034}0{034} width={034}672{034} height={034}622{034}>"
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Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}128{034} height={034}34{034} bgcolor={034}#225AD9{034}>"
Data " <p align={034}center{034}><font color={034}#FFFFFF{034} face={034}Arial{034} size={034}2{034}>"
Data " <b>Links to WIZ610wi</b></font></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}128{034} height={034}34{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}>"
Data "<a href={034}{034}>Ben Zijlstra</td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}128{034} height={034}34{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}>"
Data "<a href={034}"
Data "shop.browse&category_id=17&Itemid=76&lang=de{034}>six1 shop</td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}128{034} height={034}34{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}>"
Data "<a href={034}{034}>Topic at MCS Forum</a>"
Data "</td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}128{034} height={034}34{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}128{034} height={034}34{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}128{034} height={034}34{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " </table>"
Data " </div>"
Data " </td>"
Data " <td width={034}514{034} height={034}612{034} rowspan={034}3{034} valign={034}top{034} bgcolor={034}#FFFAF0{034}>"
Data " <p align={034}center{034}><b><font size={034}5{034}>Webserver with WIZ610wi</font></b></p>"
Data " <p align={034}left{034}>This is the Story about the WIZ610wi WIFI Modul"
Data " and Ben and myself.<br>One Day, Ben send me a FREEDUINO (Arduino with diecimila M168)."
Data "<br>I never worked with an ARDUINO Board before. First thing was, to burn the MCS Bascom Bootloader"
Data "on it :-) So it's quite easy to programm the ARDUINO from Bascom. One thing to the Hardware of FREEDUINO:<br>"
Data "There is a C (CRS) wich is used, to reset the M168 from DTS. This is not a good Solution! Better change this"
Data "C (100nf) with R470. In Bascom you select MCS Bootloader and RESET BY DTS.. Works fine!"
Data "<br><br>The Webserver is running by now, but we are testing the Setup as WIFI Client."
Data "WIZ610wi is connected on Software Serial to ATMega168 with 38400Bd. So the Webserver isn't that fast."
Data "But it is fast enough to switch Ports or do tiny Applications!"
Data "<br>There are some Problems to solve, before publishing a stable Code!"
Data "</b></p>"
Data " <p align={034}left{034}><b> </b></p>"
Data " <p align={034}center{034}>"
Data " <img src={034}{034} width={034}300{034}></p>"
Data " <p align={034}center{034}> </p>"
Data " <p align={034}left{034}><b> </b></p>"
Data " <p align={034}center{034}><font size={034}4{034}>little Playground :-)</font></p>"
Data " <p align={034}center{034}><span id={034}led1{034}></span>&nbsp"
Data "<button onclick={034}ajaxObj=new XMLHttp("
Data "{039}{039},{039}led1{039});{034} style={034}cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;{034}>Switch LED</button>"
Data "</p>"
Data " <p align={034}center{034}> "
Data " <p align={034}center{034}> "
Data " <p align={034}center{034}><font size={034}3{034}>"
Data "<span id={034}clicks{034} onclick={034}ajaxObj=new XMLHttp"
Data "('','clicks');{034} style={034}cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;{034}> Site Counter (click for update! AJAX Request!)</span>"
Data " <br>"
Data " <p align={034}center{034}><font size={034}2{034} face={034}Arial{034}>Above Samples are made with AJAX Requests. "
Data "So there is no need to reload whole Page!</font></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}136{034} height={034}136{034}>"
Data " <div align={034}center{034}>"
Data " <table border={034}0{034} cellspacing={034}1{034} width={034}136{034} height={034}132{034} bordercolorlight={034}#000000{034}"
Data " bordercolordark={034}#000000{034} bgcolor={034}#000000{034}>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}128{034} height={034}128{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}>"
Data " <p align={034}center{034}><img src={034}"
Data "WIZ610wi.jpg{034} width={034}125{034}></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " </table>"
Data " </div>"
Data " </td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}136{034} height={034}230{034}>"Data " <div align={034}center{034}>"
Data " <table border={034}0{034} cellspacing={034}1{034} width={034}135{034} height={034}230{034} bordercolorlight={034}#000000{034} "
Data "bordercolordark={034}#000000{034} bgcolor={034}#000000{034} cellpadding={034}3{034}>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}127{034} height={034}32{034} bgcolor={034}#225AD9{034}>"
Data " <p align={034}center{034}><font color={034}#FFFFFF{034} face={034}Arial{034} size={034}2{034}><b></b></font></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}127{034} height={034}33{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}></a></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}127{034} height={034}33{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}127{034} height={034}33{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}127{034} height={034}33{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}127{034} height={034}33{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}127{034} height={034}33{034} bgcolor={034}#ECE9D8{034}></td>"
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Data " </td>"
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Data "</div>"
Data ""
Data "<div align={034}center{034}>"
Data " <center>"
Data " <table border={034}0{034} cellspacing={034}1{034} width={034}675{034}>"
Data " <tr>"
Data " <td width={034}667{034}>"
Data " <p align={034}center{034}><b><font size={034}2{034} face={034}Arial{034}>six1 2/2011</font></b></td>"
Data " </tr>"
Data " </table>"
Data " </center>"
Data "</div>"
Data "</body>"
Data "</html>"
Data "%END%"


Data "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC {034}-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN{034}>"
Data "<html><head>"
Data "<title>404 Not Found</title>"
Data "</head><body>"
Data "<h1>Not Found</h1>"
Data "<p>The requested URL was not found on WIZ610wi Server.</p>"
Data "<hr>"
Data "</body></html>"
Data "%END%"



Found this on YouTube


SuaPapa hardware

Thanks SuaPapa


Several other hardware solutions



Shield for the Arduino. From Olimex Chili



Another shield for the Arduino. From DFRobots



EVB from Wiznet


Thanks to:

Thanks to Mark Alberts
the creator of Bascom-AVR

Bought my copy of Bascom-8051 in 1995
a few years later Bascom-AVR
Great stuff!!!


Thanks to SIX1 - Michael Köcher
Great style of Bascom-AVR programming


Flags can be downloaded at


Ben Zijlstra - Ben's HobbyCorner - 2011