' Atmega168 and ENC28J60
' Version 1.0 - june 2007 by Ben Zijlstra
' august 2007 addins by Viktor Varga
'Atmega168 - External clock (from 6.25 Mhz to 12.5 Mhz) No div by 8
$regfile = "m168def.dat"
$crystal = 12500000
$baud = 19200 'put terminal on 19200 baud
$hwstack = 100
$swstack = 100
$framesize = 100
$include "enc28j60.inc"
$lib "tcpip.lbx"
$lib "datetime.lbx"
Enc28j60_cs Alias Portb.2
Led Alias Portb.1
'/* Maximum frame length - The Atmega168 has only 1024 byte internal RAM! */
Const Max_framelen = 590 '500 byte will be enough for common tasks
Config Enc28j60_cs = Output
Config Led = Output
Config Date = Dmy , Separator = -
Set Led 'Turn off the tuxgraphics board LED
Dim X As Word
Dim A(5) As Byte
Dim Bank As Byte
Dim Enc28j60_data As Byte
Dim Nextpacketptr As Word
Dim Value As Byte
Dim Wdata As Word
Dim Buffer(max_framelen) As Byte
Dim Length As Word
Dim Rxstat As Word
Dim Ip_id As Word
Dim I_header_length As Word
'Dim Msg_temp As String * 55
'Ethernet packet destination
Dim T_enetpacketdest0 As Byte At Buffer Overlay
Dim T_enetpacketdest1 As Byte At Buffer + &H01 Overlay
Dim T_enetpacketdest2 As Byte At Buffer + &H02 Overlay
Dim T_enetpacketdest3 As Byte At Buffer + &H03 Overlay
Dim T_enetpacketdest4 As Byte At Buffer + &H04 Overlay
Dim T_enetpacketdest5 As Byte At Buffer + &H05 Overlay
'Ethernet packet source
Dim T_enetpacketsrc0 As Byte At Buffer + &H06 Overlay
Dim T_enetpacketsrc1 As Byte At Buffer + &H07 Overlay
Dim T_enetpacketsrc2 As Byte At Buffer + &H08 Overlay
Dim T_enetpacketsrc3 As Byte At Buffer + &H09 Overlay
Dim T_enetpacketsrc4 As Byte At Buffer + &H0A Overlay
Dim T_enetpacketsrc5 As Byte At Buffer + &H0B Overlay
'Ethernet packet type
Dim T_enetpackettype As Word At Buffer + &H0C Overlay
Dim T_arp_hwtype1 As Byte At Buffer + &H0F Overlay
Dim T_arp_prttype1 As Byte At Buffer + &H11 Overlay
Dim T_arp_hwlen As Byte At Buffer + &H12 Overlay
Dim T_arp_prlen As Byte At Buffer + &H13 Overlay
Dim T_arp_op1 As Byte At Buffer + &H15 Overlay
'arp source ip address
Dim T_arp_sipaddr0 As Byte At Buffer + &H1C Overlay
Dim T_arp_sipaddr1 As Byte At Buffer + &H1D Overlay
Dim T_arp_sipaddr2 As Byte At Buffer + &H1E Overlay
Dim T_arp_sipaddr3 As Byte At Buffer + &H1F Overlay
'arp target IP address
Dim T_arp_tipaddr0 As Byte At Buffer + &H26 Overlay
Dim T_arp_tipaddr1 As Byte At Buffer + &H27 Overlay
Dim T_arp_tipaddr2 As Byte At Buffer + &H28 Overlay
Dim T_arp_tipaddr3 As Byte At Buffer + &H29 Overlay
Dim T_arp_tipaddr As Long At Buffer + &H26 Overlay
'IP header layout IP version and header length
Dim T_ip_vers_len As Byte At Buffer + &H0E Overlay
Dim T_arp_hwtype0 As Byte At Buffer + &H0E Overlay
Dim T_arp_prttype0 As Byte At Buffer + &H10 Overlay
Dim T_arp_op0 As Byte At Buffer + &H14 Overlay
'arp source mac address
Dim T_arp_src_enetpacket0 As Byte At Buffer + &H16 Overlay
Dim T_arp_src_enetpacket1 As Byte At Buffer + &H17 Overlay
Dim T_arp_src_enetpacket2 As Byte At Buffer + &H18 Overlay
Dim T_arp_src_enetpacket3 As Byte At Buffer + &H19 Overlay
Dim T_arp_src_enetpacket4 As Byte At Buffer + &H1A Overlay
Dim T_arp_src_enetpacket5 As Byte At Buffer + &H1B Overlay
'arp source mac address
Dim T_arp_dest_enetpacket0 As Byte At Buffer + &H20 Overlay
Dim T_arp_dest_enetpacket1 As Byte At Buffer + &H21 Overlay
Dim T_arp_dest_enetpacket2 As Byte At Buffer + &H22 Overlay
Dim T_arp_dest_enetpacket3 As Byte At Buffer + &H23 Overlay
Dim T_arp_dest_enetpacket4 As Byte At Buffer + &H24 Overlay
Dim T_arp_dest_enetpacket5 As Byte At Buffer + &H25 Overlay
Dim T_tos As Byte At Buffer + &H0F Overlay
'Buffer length
Dim T_ip_pktlen0 As Byte At Buffer + &H10 Overlay
Dim T_ip_pktlen1 As Byte At Buffer + &H11 Overlay
Dim T_id0 As Byte At Buffer + &H12 Overlay
Dim T_id1 As Byte At Buffer + &H13 Overlay
Dim T_flags As Byte At Buffer + &H14 Overlay
Dim T_offset As Byte At Buffer + &H15 Overlay
Dim T_ttl As Byte At Buffer + &H16 Overlay
'protocol (ICMP=1, TCP=6, UDP=11)
Dim T_ip_proto As Byte At Buffer + &H17 Overlay
'header checksum
Dim T_ip_hdr_cksum0 As Byte At Buffer + &H18 Overlay
Dim T_ip_hdr_cksum1 As Byte At Buffer + &H19 Overlay
Dim T_ip_hdr_cksum As Word At Buffer + &H18 Overlay
'IP address of source
Dim T_ip_srcaddr0 As Byte At Buffer + &H1A Overlay
Dim T_ip_srcaddr1 As Byte At Buffer + &H1B Overlay
Dim T_ip_srcaddr2 As Byte At Buffer + &H1C Overlay
Dim T_ip_srcaddr3 As Byte At Buffer + &H1D Overlay
Dim T_ip_srcaddr As Long At Buffer + &H1A Overlay
'IP address of destination
Dim T_ip_destaddr0 As Byte At Buffer + &H1E Overlay
Dim T_ip_destaddr1 As Byte At Buffer + &H1F Overlay
Dim T_ip_destaddr2 As Byte At Buffer + &H20 Overlay
Dim T_ip_destaddr3 As Byte At Buffer + &H21 Overlay
Dim T_ip_destaddr As Long At Buffer + &H1E Overlay
Dim T_icmp_type As Byte At Buffer + &H22 Overlay
Dim T_icmp_code As Byte At Buffer + &H23 Overlay
Dim T_icmp_cksum0 As Byte At Buffer + &H24 Overlay
Dim T_icmp_cksum1 As Byte At Buffer + &H25 Overlay
Dim T_icmp_cksum As Word At Buffer + &H24 Overlay
Dim Tcp_srcporth As Byte At Buffer + &H22 Overlay
Dim Tcp_srcportl As Byte At Buffer + &H23 Overlay
Dim Tcp_destporth As Byte At Buffer + &H24 Overlay
Dim Tcp_destportl As Byte At Buffer + &H25 Overlay
Dim Tcp_seqnum3 As Byte At Buffer + &H26 Overlay
Dim Tcp_seqnum2 As Byte At Buffer + &H27 Overlay
Dim Tcp_seqnum1 As Byte At Buffer + &H28 Overlay
Dim Tcp_seqnum0 As Byte At Buffer + &H29 Overlay
Dim Tcp_acknum3 As Byte At Buffer + &H2A Overlay
Dim Tcp_acknum2 As Byte At Buffer + &H2B Overlay
Dim Tcp_acknum1 As Byte At Buffer + &H2C Overlay
Dim Tcp_acknum0 As Byte At Buffer + &H2D Overlay
'Dim Tcp_hdr As Byte At Buffer + &H2E Overlay
Dim Tcp_flags As Byte At Buffer + &H2F Overlay
Dim Tcp_cksumh As Byte At Buffer + &H32 Overlay
Dim Tcp_cksuml As Byte At Buffer + &H33 Overlay
Dim Tcp_cksum As Word At Buffer + &H32 Overlay
'UDP header
Dim T_udp_srcport0 As Byte At Buffer + &H22 Overlay
Dim T_udp_srcport1 As Byte At Buffer + &H23 Overlay
Dim T_udp_srcport As Word At Buffer + &H22 Overlay
Dim T_udp_destport0 As Byte At Buffer + &H24 Overlay
Dim T_udp_destport1 As Byte At Buffer + &H25 Overlay
Dim T_udp_destport As Word At Buffer + &H24 Overlay
Dim T_udp_len0 As Byte At Buffer + &H26 Overlay
Dim T_udp_len1 As Byte At Buffer + &H27 Overlay
Dim T_udp_chksum0 As Byte At Buffer + &H28 Overlay
Dim T_udp_chksum1 As Byte At Buffer + &H29 Overlay
Dim T_udp_chksum As Word At Buffer + &H28 Overlay
Dim T_udp_data(32) As Byte At Buffer + &H2A Overlay
Dim I_chksum32 As Long
Dim I_checksum16 As Word
Dim T_ip_pktlen As Word
Dim Result16 As Word
Dim Result16h As Byte At Result16 + 1 Overlay
Dim Result16l As Byte At Result16 Overlay
Dim I_value16 As Word
Dim I_value16h As Byte At I_value16 + 1 Overlay
Dim I_value16l As Byte At I_value16 Overlay
Dim Hulp2 As Word
Dim Work As Byte
Dim L As Byte
Dim Dns_name(4) As String * 10
'variables with overlays
Dim Myip(4) As Byte
Dim My_ip As Long At Myip Overlay
Dim Mymac(6) As Byte
Dim Incoming_ack As Long
Dim Incoming_ack0 As Byte At Incoming_ack Overlay
Dim Incoming_ack1 As Byte At Incoming_ack + 1 Overlay
Dim Incoming_ack2 As Byte At Incoming_ack + 2 Overlay
Dim Incoming_ack3 As Byte At Incoming_ack + 3 Overlay
'for NTP-routine
Dim S(4) As Byte
Dim L1 As Long At S Overlay ' Overlay a long variable to receive-string
' with overlay you need no transfer from the byte-array to a long-variable
Dim L2 As Long
'toegevoegd voor TCP
Dim Tcp_fin As Bit
Dim Tcp_syn As Bit
Dim Tcp_rst As Bit
Dim Tcp_psh As Bit
Dim Tcp_ack As Bit
Dim Tcp_urg As Bit
Dim Tcpdatalen_in As Word
Dim Flags As Byte
Dim Client_seqnum As Long
Dim Client_seqnum0 As Byte At Client_seqnum Overlay
Dim Client_seqnum1 As Byte At Client_seqnum + 1 Overlay
Dim Client_seqnum2 As Byte At Client_seqnum + 2 Overlay
Dim Client_seqnum3 As Byte At Client_seqnum + 3 Overlay
Dim Tempword As Word
Dim Tempwordh As Byte At Tempword + 1 Overlay
Dim Tempwordl As Byte At Tempword Overlay
Dim Val1 As Word
Dim Val2 As Word
Dim Y As Word
Const Synflag = 0
Const Finflag = 1
Declare Sub Enc28j60init
Declare Sub Enc28j60readcontrolregbyte(byval Register As Byte)
Declare Sub Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(byval Register As Byte , Byval Value As Byte)
Declare Sub Enc28j60selectbank(byval Bank As Byte)
Declare Sub Enc28j60bitfield_set(byval Register As Byte , Byval Value As Byte)
Declare Sub Enc28j60bitfield_clear(byval Register As Byte , Byval Value As Byte)
Declare Sub Enc28j60readphyword(byval Phyregister As Byte)
Declare Sub Enc28j60writephyword(byval Phyregister As Byte , Byval Wdata As Word)
Declare Sub Enc28j60packetsend(byval Pcktlen As Word)
Declare Sub Enc28j60packetreceive
Declare Sub Enc28j60poll
Declare Sub Arpreply
Declare Sub Pingreply
Declare Sub Setip_id
Declare Sub Udp_receive
Declare Sub Udp_checksum
Declare Sub Blinky(byval L As Byte)
Declare Sub Setipaddrs
Declare Sub Tcp
Declare Sub Echopacket
Declare Sub Ip_header_checksum
Declare Sub Icmp_checksum
Declare Sub Ntp_get
Declare Sub Ntp
Declare Sub Http
Declare Sub Tcp_checksum
Declare Sub Src2dest
Declare Sub Inc2seq
Declare Sub Seq2ack
Declare Sub Ack2inc
Declare Sub Src2mymac
Declare Sub Srcdestchksum
Declare Sub Udp_dns_query
Declare Sub Rtr2dest
Declare Function Dns_query(byval S As String) As String
Declare Sub Dns
'MAC address
Mymac(1) = &H43
Mymac(2) = &HC6
Mymac(3) = &HB3
Mymac(4) = &HF3
Mymac(5) = &HAB
Mymac(6) = &H9E
'IP address
Myip(1) = 192
Myip(2) = 168
Myip(3) = 0
Myip(4) = 61
'Configuration of the SPI-bus
Config Spi = Hard , Interrupt = Off , Data Order = Msb , Master = Yes , Polarity = Low , Phase = 0 , Clockrate = 4 , Noss = 0
'init the spi pins
Enc28j60_cs = 0
'reset ENC28J60
X = Enc28j60_soft_reset
Spiout X , 1
Enc28j60_cs = 1
Call Enc28j60readcontrolregbyte(estat)
X = Enc28j60_data.estat_clkrdy
Loop Until X = 1
'clock from default divide/4 (6.25 Mhz) to divide/2 (12.5 Mhz)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(ecocon , &B00000010)
Waitms 250
Print "Starting Tux"
Call Enc28j60selectbank(3)
A(1) = &B000_10010
Enc28j60_cs = 0
Spiout A(1) , 1
Spiin A(1) , 2
Print "Enc28j60-version = " ; A(2)
Enc28j60_cs = 1
Call Enc28j60init
Call Ntp_get 'get the Network Time once
'lets try the DNS-query
Call Dns
Call Enc28j60poll
Sub Enc28j60init
'do bank 0 stuff
'initialize receive buffer
'16-bit transfers, must write low byte first
'set receive buffer start address
Nextpacketptr = Rxstart_init
Value = Low(rxstart_init)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(erxstl , Value)
Value = High(rxstart_init)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(erxsth , Value)
'set receive pointer address
Value = Low(rxstart_init)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(erxrdptl , Value)
Value = High(rxstart_init)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(erxrdpth , Value)
'set receive buffer end
Value = Low(rxstop_init)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(erxndl , Value)
Value = High(rxstop_init)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(erxndh , Value)
'set transmit buffer start
Value = Low(txstart_init)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(etxstl , Value)
Value = High(txstart_init)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(etxsth , Value)
'do bank 2 stuff
'enable MAC receive
Value = 0
Value.macon1_marxen = 1
Value.macon1_txpaus = 1
Value.macon1_rxpaus = 1
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(macon1 , Value)
'bring MAC out of reset
'enable automatic padding and CRC operations
Value = 0
Value.macon3_padcfg0 = 1
Value.macon3_txcrcen = 1
Value.macon3_frmlnen = 1
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(macon3 , Value)
'set inter-frame gap (non-back-to-back)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(maipgl , &H12)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(maipgh , &H0C)
'set inter-frame gap (back-to-back)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(mabbipg , &H12)
'set the maximum packet size which the controller will accept
Value = Low(max_framelen)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(mamxfll , Value)
Value = High(max_framelen)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(mamxflh , Value)
'bank 3 stuff
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(maadr5 , Mymac(1))
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(maadr4 , Mymac(2))
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(maadr3 , Mymac(3))
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(maadr2 , Mymac(4))
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(maadr1 , Mymac(5))
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(maadr0 , Mymac(6))
'no loopback of transmitted frames
Call Enc28j60writephyword(phcon2 , Phcon2_hdldis)
'switch to bank 0
Call Enc28j60selectbank(0)
'enable interrupts
Value = 0
Value.eie_intie = 1
Value.eie_pktie = 1
Call Enc28j60bitfield_set(eie , Value)
'filters according to Guido
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(epmm0 , &H3F)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(epmm1 , &H30)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(epmcsl , &HF9)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(epmcsh , &HF7)
Value = 0
Value.erxfcon_pmen = 1 'Pattern Match enable (ARP only)
Value.erxfcon_ucen = 1 'Unicast enable
Call Enc28j60bitfield_set(erxfcon , Value)
Value = 0
Value.erxfcon_bcen = 1 'Broadcast disable
Call Enc28j60bitfield_clear(erxfcon , Value)
'CRC check is enabled by default
'Something is wrong with the Broadcast filter (or the whole theory), it seems
'like every packet is coming in
'enable packet reception
Value = 0
Value.econ1_rxen = 1
Call Enc28j60bitfield_set(econ1 , Value)
'Reset transmit logic
Value = 0
Value.econ1_txrst = 1
Call Enc28j60bitfield_set(econ1 , Value)
Call Enc28j60bitfield_clear(econ1 , Value)
End Sub
Sub Enc28j60selectbank(bank As Byte)
'get ECON1 (BSEL1 en BSEL0)
A(1) = &B000_11111
Enc28j60_cs = 0
Spiout A(1) , 1
Spiin A(1) , 2
Enc28j60_cs = 1
A(2) = A(2) And &B1111_1100 'strip bank part
A(2) = A(2) Or Bank
A(1) = &B010_11111
Enc28j60_cs = 0
Spiout A(1) , 2
Enc28j60_cs = 1
End Sub
Sub Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(register As Byte , Value As Byte)
Bank = 0
If Register.7 = 1 Then Bank = 2
If Register.6 = 1 Then Bank = Bank + 1
Register = Register And &B00011111
Call Enc28j60selectbank(bank)
Register.6 = 1 'to get a 010_register
A(1) = Register
A(2) = Value
Enc28j60_cs = 0
Spiout A(1) , 2
Enc28j60_cs = 1
End Sub
Sub Enc28j60readcontrolregbyte(register As Byte)
Local Mcphy As Byte
Bank = 0
Mcphy = 0
If Register.7 = 1 Then Bank = 2
If Register.6 = 1 Then Bank = Bank + 1
If Register.5 = 1 Then Mcphy = 1
Register = Register And &B00011111
Call Enc28j60selectbank(bank)
A(1) = Register
Enc28j60_cs = 0
Spiout A(1) , 1
Spiin A(1) , 3
Enc28j60_cs = 1
'Depending of register (E, MAC, MII) yes or no dummybyte
If Mcphy = 1 Then
Enc28j60_data = A(2)
Enc28j60_data = A(3)
End If
End Sub
Sub Enc28j60bitfield_set(register As Byte , Value As Byte)
Bank = 0
If Register.7 = 1 Then Bank = 2
If Register.6 = 1 Then Bank = Bank + 1
Register = Register And &B00011111
Call Enc28j60selectbank(bank)
Register = Register Or &B100_00000
A(1) = Register
A(2) = Value
Enc28j60_cs = 0
Spiout A(1) , 2
Enc28j60_cs = 1
End Sub
Sub Enc28j60bitfield_clear(register As Byte , Value As Byte)
Bank = 0
If Register.7 = 1 Then Bank = 2
If Register.6 = 1 Then Bank = Bank + 1
Register = Register And &B00011111
Call Enc28j60selectbank(bank)
Register = Register Or &B101_00000
A(1) = Register
A(2) = Value
Enc28j60_cs = 0
Spiout A(1) , 2
Enc28j60_cs = 1
End Sub
Sub Enc28j60readphyword(phyregister As Byte)
'set the right address and start the register read operation
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(miregadr , Phyregister)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(micmd , Micmd_miird)
'wait until the PHY read complets
Call Enc28j60readcontrolregbyte(mistat)
Loop Until Enc28j60_data.mistat_busy = 0
'quit reading
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(micmd , 0)
'get data value
Call Enc28j60readcontrolregbyte(mirdl)
Wdata = Enc28j60_data
Shift Wdata , Left , 8
Call Enc28j60readcontrolregbyte(mirdh)
Wdata = Wdata + Enc28j60_data
End Sub
Sub Enc28j60writephyword(phyregister As Byte , Wdata As Word)
Call Enc28j60readphyword(phyregister)
Local Temp As Byte
'set the PHY register address
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(miregadr , Phyregister)
Call Enc28j60readcontrolregbyte(miregadr)
Temp = Miregadr
Value = Low(wdata)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(miwrl , Value)
Value = High(wdata)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(miwrh , Value)
Call Enc28j60readcontrolregbyte(mistat)
Loop Until Enc28j60_data.mistat_busy = 0
End Sub
Sub Enc28j60poll
Call Enc28j60readcontrolregbyte(epktcnt)
If Enc28j60_data > 0 Then
Call Enc28j60packetreceive
End If
End Sub
Sub Enc28j60packetreceive
'Reset Led
Local Wtemp As Word
'set the read pointer to the start of the received packet
Value = Low(nextpacketptr)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(erdptl , Value)
Value = High(nextpacketptr)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(erdpth , Value)
Enc28j60_cs = 0
'Send Read Buffer Memory command
Spdr = &H3A
Loop Until Spsr.spif = 1
'Get the first 6 byte (3 word: Nextpacketptr, Packetlength, Rxstat)
For X = 1 To 6
Spdr = &HFF 'SPI read
Loop Until Spsr.spif = 1 'SPI ready
Buffer(x) = Spdr
Next X
Nextpacketptr = Buffer(2) * 256
Nextpacketptr = Nextpacketptr + Buffer(1)
Length = Buffer(4) * 256
Length = Length + Buffer(3)
Rxstat = Buffer(6) * 256
Rxstat = Rxstat + Buffer(5)
'Get the payload
Length = Length - 4 'Discard CRC
For X = 1 To Length
Spdr = &HFF 'SPI read
Loop Until Spsr.spif = 1 'SPI ready
Buffer(x) = Spdr
Next X
Enc28j60_cs = 1
'move the rx read pointer to the start of the next received packet
'this frees the memory we just read out
Value = Low(nextpacketptr)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(erxrdptl , Value)
Value = High(nextpacketptr)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(erxrdpth , Value)
'decrement the packet counter indicate we are done with this packet
Value = 0
Value.econ2_pktdec = 1
Call Enc28j60bitfield_set(econ2 , Value)
'Set Led
'Handle the packet
If Buffer(13) = &H08 Then
If Buffer(14) = &H06 Then 'Type:ARP
If Buffer(21) = &H00 Then 'ARP request
If Buffer(22) = &H01 Then 'ARP request
If Buffer(39) = Myip(1) Then 'ARP for us
If Buffer(40) = Myip(2) Then
If Buffer(41) = Myip(3) Then
If Buffer(42) = Myip(4) Then
Call Arpreply
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Buffer(14) = &H00 Then 'Type:IP
If Buffer(15) = &H45 Then 'We handle only simple IP packets
'If Buffer(21) = 0 Then 'We handle only non fragmented packets
If Buffer(31) = Myip(1) Then 'Ip packet for us
If Buffer(32) = Myip(2) Then
If Buffer(33) = Myip(3) Then
If Buffer(34) = Myip(4) Then
If Buffer(24) = 1 Then 'Protocol:ICMP
If Buffer(35) = &H08 Then 'ICMP echo request
Call Pingreply
End If
End If
If Buffer(24) = 17 Then 'Protocol:UDP
Call Udp_receive
End If
If Buffer(24) = 6 Then 'Protocol:TCP
Call Tcp
End If
End If
End If
End If
'End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Enc28j60packetsend(pcktlen As Word)
'Load packet into the ENC
Enc28j60_cs = 0
Spdr = Enc28j60_write_buf_mem
Loop Until Spsr.spif = 1
Spdr = &B000_1110 'per packet byte
Loop Until Spsr.spif = 1
For X = 1 To Pcktlen
Spdr = Buffer(x)
Loop Until Spsr.spif = 1
Next X
Enc28j60_cs = 1
'Minimum packet length is 60
If Pcktlen < 60 Then Pcktlen = 60
'Reset transmit logic
Value = 0
Value.econ1_txrst = 1
Call Enc28j60bitfield_set(econ1 , Value)
Call Enc28j60bitfield_clear(econ1 , Value)
'set the write pointer to start of transmit buffer area
Value = Low(txstart_init)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(ewrptl , Value)
Value = High(txstart_init)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(ewrpth , Value)
'set the TXND pointer to correspond to the packet size given
Value = Low(txstart_init)
Value = Value + Low(pcktlen)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(etxndl , Value)
Value = High(txstart_init)
Value = Value + High(pcktlen)
Call Enc28j60writecontrolregbyte(etxndh , Value)
'write per-packet control byte has been put in the writeroutine
'send the contents of the transmit buffer onto the network
Value = 0
Value.econ1_txrts = 1
Call Enc28j60bitfield_set(econ1 , Value)
End Sub
Sub Arpreply
'The original request packet is in the buffer, we just change some things
'Swap MAC addresses
Call Src2dest
'Set source MAC in ethernet frame, pos 7
Call Src2mymac
'Copy target MAC in ARP packet
T_arp_dest_enetpacket0 = T_enetpacketdest0
T_arp_dest_enetpacket1 = T_enetpacketdest1
T_arp_dest_enetpacket2 = T_enetpacketdest2
T_arp_dest_enetpacket3 = T_enetpacketdest3
T_arp_dest_enetpacket4 = T_enetpacketdest4
T_arp_dest_enetpacket5 = T_enetpacketdest5
'Set target IP in ARP packet
T_arp_tipaddr0 = T_arp_sipaddr0
T_arp_tipaddr1 = T_arp_sipaddr1
T_arp_tipaddr2 = T_arp_sipaddr2
T_arp_tipaddr3 = T_arp_sipaddr3
'Copy source MAC to ARP
T_arp_src_enetpacket0 = T_enetpacketsrc0
T_arp_src_enetpacket1 = T_enetpacketsrc1
T_arp_src_enetpacket2 = T_enetpacketsrc2
T_arp_src_enetpacket3 = T_enetpacketsrc3
T_arp_src_enetpacket4 = T_enetpacketsrc4
T_arp_src_enetpacket5 = T_enetpacketsrc5
'Set source IP to ARP packet pos 29
T_arp_sipaddr0 = Myip(1)
T_arp_sipaddr1 = Myip(2)
T_arp_sipaddr2 = Myip(3)
T_arp_sipaddr3 = Myip(4)
'Set ARP type from Request to Reply
T_arp_op1 = 2
'Send the reply packet
Call Enc28j60packetsend(42)
End Sub
Sub Pingreply
Local Packetlength As Word
Packetlength = Buffer(17) * 256
Packetlength = Packetlength + Buffer(18)
Packetlength = Packetlength + 13 'We are going to calculate the checksum till the end of packet (IP length + 14 byte of the ethernet stuff), -1 to get word start
'set echo reply
T_icmp_type = &H00
T_icmp_code = &H00
'setup the IP-header
Call Setipaddrs
Call Icmp_checksum
Packetlength = Packetlength + 1
'Send the reply packet
Call Enc28j60packetsend(packetlength)
End Sub
Sub Setip_id
Buffer(19) = High(ip_id)
Buffer(20) = Low(ip_id)
Ip_id = Ip_id + 1
End Sub
' Routine to handle UDP-traffic
Sub Udp_receive
Local Udp_port As Word
Local Udp_porth As Byte
Local Udp_portl As Byte
Udp_porth = &H88
Udp_portl = &H13
Udp_port = Udp_porth
Shift Udp_port , Left , 8
Udp_port = Udp_port + Udp_portl
If T_udp_srcport = &H3500 Then '53 DNS-response
Print "DNS-response"
'From within a VB-program
'non-echo on PORT 5000
If T_udp_destport = Udp_port Then
If T_udp_srcport = &H2500 Then '25 NTP protocol
Call Ntp
Exit Sub
End If
Select Case T_udp_data(1)
Case &H00 : Call Blinky(1)
Case &H01 : Call Blinky(2)
Case &H02 : Call Blinky(3)
Case &H03 : Call Blinky(4)
Case &H04 : Call Blinky(5)
End Select
Exit Sub
End If
'echo on PORT 7
If T_udp_destport = &H0700 Then
'Build The Ip Header
Call Setipaddrs
'swap the UDP source and destinations port
Swap T_udp_srcport0 , T_udp_destport0
Swap T_udp_srcport1 , T_udp_destport1
Call Udp_checksum
Call Echopacket
End If
End Sub
Sub Blinky(l As Byte)
Local Count As Byte
For Count = 1 To L
Reset Led
Waitms 250
Set Led
Waitms 250
Next Count
End Sub
' Routine to calculate a IP-header checksum
Sub Ip_header_checksum
Local Ip_checksum16 As Word
Local Ip_header_length As Byte
T_ip_hdr_cksum = &H00 'Calc starts with chksum=0
'Calculate IP header length
Ip_header_length = T_ip_vers_len And &H0F 'Number of 32 bit words
Ip_header_length = 4 * Ip_header_length 'Calc number of bytes
Ip_checksum16 = Tcpchecksum(buffer(15) , Ip_header_length )
'Store the checksum value in the packet buffer
T_ip_hdr_cksum1 = High(ip_checksum16)
T_ip_hdr_cksum0 = Low(ip_checksum16)
End Sub
' Routine to calculate a ICMP-checksum
Sub Icmp_checksum
'Clear the ICMP checksum before starting calculation
T_icmp_cksum = &H00
'Calculate the ICMP checksum
I_header_length = T_ip_pktlen1 - 20
I_checksum16 = Tcpchecksum(buffer(35) , I_header_length ) 'built-in way
T_icmp_cksum1 = High(i_checksum16)
T_icmp_cksum0 = Low(i_checksum16)
End Sub
' Routine to echo packet
Sub Echopacket
Hulp2 = T_udp_len0 * 256
Hulp2 = Hulp2 + T_udp_len1
Hulp2 = Hulp2 + 34
Call Enc28j60packetsend(hulp2)
End Sub
' Routine to handle the source/destination address
Sub Setipaddrs
T_ip_destaddr = T_ip_srcaddr
'make ethernet module IP address source address
T_ip_srcaddr = My_ip
Call Src2dest
'Set source MAC in ethernet frame, pos 7
Call Src2mymac
Call Ip_header_checksum
End Sub
' Routine to get the NetWork Time from a time-server
Sub Ntp_get
'Destination hardware address ' You have to put your router-mac-address here
Call Rtr2dest
' source (own source)
Call Src2mymac
T_enetpackettype = &H0008 ' = &h0800
' fill IP-header
T_ip_vers_len = &H45
T_tos = &H00
T_ip_pktlen0 = &H00
T_ip_pktlen1 = &H30
T_id0 = &H4A
T_id1 = &HA5
T_flags = &H00
T_offset = &H00
T_ttl = &H80
'protocol (ICMP=1, TCP=6, UDP=11)
T_ip_proto = &H11
'IP address of source
T_ip_srcaddr0 = Myip(1)
T_ip_srcaddr1 = Myip(2)
T_ip_srcaddr2 = Myip(3)
T_ip_srcaddr3 = Myip(4)
'IP address of destination 'you have to put the IP-number of
T_ip_destaddr0 = 193 ' the NTP-server here
T_ip_destaddr1 = 67
T_ip_destaddr2 = 79
T_ip_destaddr3 = 202
T_udp_srcport0 = &H13
T_udp_srcport1 = &H88
T_udp_destport0 = &H00 ' port 0025 = 37 NTP
T_udp_destport1 = &H25
T_udp_len0 = &H00
T_udp_len1 = &H1C
T_udp_data(1) = Asc( "X")
T_udp_data(2) = &H0A ' lf
T_udp_data(3) = &H0D ' cr
Call Ip_header_checksum
Call Udp_checksum
Call Echopacket
End Sub
' Routine to convert the LONG from the NTP-server in to date and time
Sub Ntp
S(1) = T_udp_data(1)
S(2) = T_udp_data(2)
S(3) = T_udp_data(3)
S(4) = T_udp_data(4)
Swap S(1) , S(4) : Swap S(2) , S(3)
L2 = L1 + 1139293696
L2 = L2 + 3600 ' offset UTC + 1 hour
Print "Date : " ; Date(l2)
Print "Time : " ; Time(l2)
End Sub
Sub Tcp_checksum
Local Whulp1 As Word
Local Tempword2 As Word
Tcp_cksum = 0
Call Srcdestchksum
'resultaat in I_chksum32
Tempwordh = T_ip_pktlen0
Tempwordl = T_ip_pktlen1
I_chksum32 = I_chksum32 + Tempword
Tempword2 = T_ip_vers_len And &H0F
Tempword2 = Tempword2 * 4
I_chksum32 = I_chksum32 - Tempword2
Whulp1 = Tempword - 20
Val2 = Highw(i_chksum32)
Val1 = I_chksum32
I_checksum16 = Tcpchecksum(buffer(&H23) , Whulp1 , Val2 , Val1)
Tcp_cksuml = High(i_checksum16)
Tcp_cksumh = Low(i_checksum16)
End Sub
' Routine to calculate the IP-checkum
Sub Udp_checksum
T_udp_chksum = &H00
Call Srcdestchksum
'resultaat in I_chksum32
'packet length
I_value16h = T_udp_len0
I_value16l = T_udp_len1
I_chksum32 = I_chksum32 + I_value16
Result16h = T_udp_len0
Result16l = T_udp_len1
Val2 = Highw(i_chksum32)
Val1 = I_chksum32
I_checksum16 = Tcpchecksum(buffer(&H23) , Result16 , Val1 , Val2)
T_udp_chksum1 = High(i_checksum16)
T_udp_chksum0 = Low(i_checksum16)
End Sub
Sub Srcdestchksum
'checksum TCP header
I_chksum32 = 0
I_value16h = T_ip_srcaddr0
I_value16l = T_ip_srcaddr1
I_chksum32 = I_chksum32 + I_value16
I_value16h = T_ip_srcaddr2
I_value16l = T_ip_srcaddr3
I_chksum32 = I_chksum32 + I_value16
I_value16h = T_ip_destaddr0
I_value16l = T_ip_destaddr1
I_chksum32 = I_chksum32 + I_value16
I_value16h = T_ip_destaddr2
I_value16l = T_ip_destaddr3
I_chksum32 = I_chksum32 + I_value16
I_chksum32 = I_chksum32 + T_ip_proto
End Sub
Sub Http
Local Msg_temp2 As String * 10
Local Msg_temp As String * 55
Local Tempstring1 As String * 1
Local Ackpsh As Byte
Local Pkthulp As Word
Local Tempword1 As Word
Local Tempword3 As Word
Local Z As Byte
Local Ztemp As Byte
Local Tempstring2 As String * 13
Work = Tcp_flags
Tcp_fin = Work.0
Tcp_syn = Work.1
Tcp_rst = Work.2
Tcp_psh = Work.3
Tcp_ack = Work.4
Tcp_urg = Work.5
' This code segment processes the incoming SYN from the client
' and sends back the initial sequence number (ISN) and acknowledges
' the incoming SYN packet
If Tcp_syn = 1 Then
'Move IP source address to destination address
T_ip_destaddr = T_ip_srcaddr
'Make ethernet module IP address source address
T_ip_srcaddr = My_ip
Swap Tcp_srcportl , Tcp_destportl
Swap Tcp_srcporth , Tcp_destporth
Tcpdatalen_in = 1
Client_seqnum0 = Tcp_seqnum0
Client_seqnum1 = Tcp_seqnum1
Client_seqnum2 = Tcp_seqnum2
Client_seqnum3 = Tcp_seqnum3
Client_seqnum = Client_seqnum + Tcpdatalen_in
Tcp_acknum0 = Client_seqnum0
Tcp_acknum1 = Client_seqnum1
Tcp_acknum2 = Client_seqnum2
Tcp_acknum3 = Client_seqnum3
Tcp_seqnum0 = &HFF 'Initial sequencenumber
Tcp_seqnum1 = &HFF '
Tcp_seqnum2 = &H10 '
Tcp_seqnum3 = &H11 '
Call Src2dest
Set Flags.synflag
Tcp_flags = 0
Set Tcp_flags.1
Set Tcp_flags.4
T_ip_pktlen0 = &H00
T_ip_pktlen1 = 48
Call Ip_header_checksum
Call Tcp_checksum
Call Enc28j60packetsend(62)
End If
' If an ACK and PSH is received and the destination port address is valid
If Tcp_ack = 1 Then
If Tcp_psh = 1 Then
'search for GET / and check for a parameter
' walk through the packet until GET / is found
For Z = 40 To 200
Ztemp = Z
Tempstring2 = Chr(buffer(ztemp))
Incr Ztemp
Tempstring2 = Tempstring2 + Chr(buffer(ztemp))
Incr Ztemp
Tempstring2 = Tempstring2 + Chr(buffer(ztemp))
Incr Ztemp
Tempstring2 = Tempstring2 + Chr(buffer(ztemp))
Incr Ztemp
Tempstring2 = Tempstring2 + Chr(buffer(ztemp))
Incr Ztemp
Tempstring2 = Tempstring2 + Chr(buffer(ztemp))
Incr Ztemp
Tempstring2 = Tempstring2 + Chr(buffer(ztemp))
Incr Ztemp
Tempstring2 = Tempstring2 + Chr(buffer(ztemp))
Incr Ztemp
Tempstring2 = Tempstring2 + Chr(buffer(ztemp))
Incr Ztemp
Tempstring2 = Tempstring2 + Chr(buffer(ztemp))
Incr Ztemp
Tempstring2 = Tempstring2 + Chr(buffer(ztemp))
Incr Ztemp
Tempstring2 = Tempstring2 + Chr(buffer(ztemp))
Incr Ztemp
Tempstring2 = Tempstring2 + Chr(buffer(ztemp))
If Left(tempstring2 , 5) = "GET /" Then
Exit For
End If
Next Z
If Mid(tempstring2 , 6 , 5) = "LEDON" Then
Reset Led
End If
If Mid(tempstring2 , 6 , 6) = "LEDOFF" Then
Set Led
End If
'set flags
Tcp_flags = 0
Set Tcp_flags.4 'ack
'Move IP source address to destination address
T_ip_destaddr = T_ip_srcaddr
'Make ethernet module IP address source address
T_ip_srcaddr = My_ip
Swap Tcp_srcportl , Tcp_destportl
Swap Tcp_srcporth , Tcp_destporth
'swap mac
Call Src2dest
Call Inc2seq
T_ip_pktlen = T_ip_pktlen0 * 256
T_ip_pktlen = T_ip_pktlen + T_ip_pktlen1
Incoming_ack = Incoming_ack + T_ip_pktlen
Call Seq2ack
Call Ack2inc
Buffer(17) = 0
Buffer(18) = 40
'5 x 4 = 20 bytes
Buffer(47) = &H50
Buffer(55) = 0
Buffer(56) = 0
Buffer(57) = 0
Buffer(58) = 0
Buffer(59) = 0
Buffer(60) = 0
Call Ip_header_checksum
Call Tcp_checksum
Call Enc28j60packetsend(60)
Ackpsh = 1
End If
End If
If Tcp_ack = 1 Then
If Buffer(17) = 0 Then
If Buffer(18) = 40 Then
If Ackpsh = 1 Then
'ACK after a ACK-PSH
'set flags
Tcp_flags = 0
Set Tcp_flags.4 'ack
Set Tcp_flags.3 'psh
Set Tcp_flags.0 'fin
'Move IP source address to destination address
T_ip_destaddr = T_ip_srcaddr
'Make ethernet module IP address source address
T_ip_srcaddr = My_ip
Swap Tcp_srcportl , Tcp_destportl
Swap Tcp_srcporth , Tcp_destporth
'swap mac
Call Src2dest
Call Inc2seq
Call Seq2ack
Call Ack2inc
Tempword3 = &H37
Restore Htmlcode
Read Msg_temp
Msg_temp2 = Right(msg_temp , 8)
If Msg_temp2 = "endblock" Then
Exit Do
End If
If Msg_temp2 = "sizeused" Then
Tempword1 = Tempword3 + 24
Msg_temp = "
Used: " + Str(tempword1) + " bytes"
End If
If Msg_temp2 = "date " Then
Msg_temp = Date(l2)
End If
If Msg_temp2 = "time " Then
Msg_temp = Time(l2)
End If
If Msg_temp2 = "copyleft" Then
Msg_temp = "
End If
For Y = 1 To Len(msg_temp)
Tempstring1 = Mid(msg_temp , Y , 1)
Buffer(tempword3) = Asc(tempstring1)
Incr Tempword3
Next Y
Buffer(tempword3) = &H0D
Incr Tempword3
Buffer(tempword3) = &H0A
Tempword3 = Tempword3 - 14
Pkthulp = Tempword3 / 256
T_ip_pktlen0 = Pkthulp
Pkthulp = T_ip_pktlen0 * 256
T_ip_pktlen1 = Tempword3 - Pkthulp
Tempword3 = Tempword3 + 14
Call Ip_header_checksum
Call Tcp_checksum
Call Enc28j60packetsend(tempword3)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Tcp
If Tcp_destporth = 0 Then
If Tcp_destportl = 80 Then
Call Http
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Inc2seq
Incoming_ack0 = Tcp_seqnum0
Incoming_ack1 = Tcp_seqnum1
Incoming_ack2 = Tcp_seqnum2
Incoming_ack3 = Tcp_seqnum3
End Sub
Sub Seq2ack
Tcp_seqnum0 = Tcp_acknum0
Tcp_seqnum1 = Tcp_acknum1
Tcp_seqnum2 = Tcp_acknum2
Tcp_seqnum3 = Tcp_acknum3
End Sub
Sub Ack2inc
Tcp_acknum0 = Incoming_ack0
Tcp_acknum1 = Incoming_ack1
Tcp_acknum2 = Incoming_ack2
Tcp_acknum3 = Incoming_ack3
End Sub
Sub Src2mymac
'Make ethernet module mac address the source address
T_enetpacketsrc0 = Mymac(1)
T_enetpacketsrc1 = Mymac(2)
T_enetpacketsrc2 = Mymac(3)
T_enetpacketsrc3 = Mymac(4)
T_enetpacketsrc4 = Mymac(5)
T_enetpacketsrc5 = Mymac(6)
End Sub
Sub Src2dest
'move hardware source address to destination address
T_enetpacketdest0 = T_enetpacketsrc0
T_enetpacketdest1 = T_enetpacketsrc1
T_enetpacketdest2 = T_enetpacketsrc2
T_enetpacketdest3 = T_enetpacketsrc3
T_enetpacketdest4 = T_enetpacketsrc4
T_enetpacketdest5 = T_enetpacketsrc5
Call Src2mymac
End Sub
Sub Dns
Local Msg_temp As String * 55
Msg_temp = Dns_query( "www.google.nl")
Msg_temp = Dns_query( "mail.home.nl")
Msg_temp = Dns_query( "www.home.nl")
End Sub
Function Dns_query(s As String) As String
Local Dns1 As Byte
Local Dns2 As Byte
Local Dns3 As Byte
Local Dns4 As String * 1
Local Dns5 As Byte
Local Msg_temp As String * 50
Dns1 = Split(s , Dns_name(1) , ".")
Dns2 = Len(s)
Call Rtr2dest
Call Src2mymac
T_enetpackettype = &H0008 ' = &h0800
T_ip_vers_len = &H45
T_tos = &H00
T_ip_pktlen0 = &H00 'this depends on length string
T_ip_pktlen1 = 46 + Dns2
T_id0 = &H48
T_id1 = &H15
T_flags = &H00
T_offset = &H00
T_ttl = &H80
'protocol (ICMP=1, TCP=6, UDP=11)
T_ip_proto = &H11
'IP address of source
T_ip_srcaddr0 = Myip(1)
T_ip_srcaddr1 = Myip(2)
T_ip_srcaddr2 = Myip(3)
T_ip_srcaddr3 = Myip(4)
'IP address of destination 'you have to put the IP-number of
T_ip_destaddr0 = 213 ' the DNS-server here (@HOME)
T_ip_destaddr1 = 51
T_ip_destaddr2 = 144
T_ip_destaddr3 = 37
T_udp_srcport0 = &H04
T_udp_srcport1 = &H12
T_udp_destport0 = &H00 ' port 0035 = 53 DNS
T_udp_destport1 = &H35
T_udp_len0 = &H00 'this depends on length string
T_udp_len1 = 26 + Dns2 'len string
T_udp_data(1) = &H00 'ID
T_udp_data(2) = &HB4
T_udp_data(3) = &H01 'flags
T_udp_data(4) = &H00
T_udp_data(5) = &H00 'questions
T_udp_data(6) = &H01
T_udp_data(7) = &H00 'Answer RRs
T_udp_data(8) = &H00
T_udp_data(9) = &H00 'Authority
T_udp_data(10) = &H00
T_udp_data(11) = &H00 'Additional
T_udp_data(12) = &H00
T_udp_data(13) = Len(dns_name(1))
Dns5 = 14
For Dns3 = 1 To Len(dns_name(1))
Dns4 = Mid(dns_name(1) , Dns3 , 1)
T_udp_data(dns5) = Asc(dns4)
Incr Dns5
Next Dns3
T_udp_data(dns5) = Len(dns_name(2))
Incr Dns5
For Dns3 = 1 To Len(dns_name(2))
Dns4 = Mid(dns_name(2) , Dns3 , 1)
T_udp_data(dns5) = Asc(dns4)
Incr Dns5
Next Dns3
T_udp_data(dns5) = Len(dns_name(3))
Incr Dns5
For Dns3 = 1 To Len(dns_name(3))
Dns4 = Mid(dns_name(3) , Dns3 , 1)
T_udp_data(dns5) = Asc(dns4)
Incr Dns5
Next Dns3
T_udp_data(dns5) = &H00
'host address
T_udp_data(dns5 + 1) = &H00
T_udp_data(dns5 + 2) = &H01
'Class: INET
T_udp_data(dns5 + 3) = &H00
T_udp_data(dns5 + 4) = &H01
Call Ip_header_checksum
Call Udp_checksum
Call Echopacket
End Function
Sub Rtr2dest
T_enetpacketdest0 = &H00 ' 00-0c-41-ae-7a-dc MAC-address of my router
T_enetpacketdest1 = &H0C
T_enetpacketdest2 = &H41
T_enetpacketdest3 = &HAE
T_enetpacketdest4 = &H7A
T_enetpacketdest5 = &HDC
End Sub
' htmlcode
Data "HTTP/1.0 200" , &H0D , &H0A , &H0D , &H0A
Data "